The best Twitter hack you don't know

Plus, the reads / podcasts that make you a better storyteller

Hello storytellers! One of the greatest joys of our week is curating interesting resources that can help you take your brand to the next level.

This week, we decided to shake things up a bit. We’ll still curate news and resources for you, but we also want to know what you are reading / listening to.

So, what are the articles, podcasts or Twitter threads that you found especially helpful? Tell us and we’ll include them in next week’s newsletter. All you need to do is hit the ‘reply’ button or slide into our DMs ;)

Things you should know about

Fewer celebrity Cameos: After a pandemic boom, celebrity shoutout startup Cameo is slowing down. Desire for IRL connection seems to have decreased the cool factor of birthday wishes from your favorite celeb. Instead, people seem to prefer actionable content from people they trust. Long live creators!

The most valuable Twitter hack you don’t know: Two words: advanced search. Dickie Bush has some invaluable tips for 10x-ing your Twitter game and discovering hidden gems of wisdom from long ago.

How to crack TikTok’s algorithm: TikTok can be scary but it can unlock ridiculously fast growth and help you build a strong brand in little time. Seth Godwin knows this: in less than a year, he used the platform to grow from 0 to (almost) 1M followers. He shares how he did it here.

The best creator monetization tactics: In case you missed our conversation with Josh Kaplan a few weeks back, we’ve summarized his tips and tricks for successful monetization here. His number one tip? Partner with brands that share your values.

News from the Community

Nicole Casperson was just interviewed on NASDAQ’s Trade Talks. We love her spreading the message of diversity and inclusion in fintech far and wide.

Danny Miranda just had an interview that got 10K views. Super exciting! We can’t wait till it’s 20K!

Ash Lamb is launching a pre-sale for his Visual Growth course to teach people his secrets for visual storytelling. Go Ash!

Do you have news you’d like to share with the community? Send it our way and we’ll add it to the next newsletter.

Just for fun

Do you know how NYC’s Hell’s Kitchen got its name?

According to city lore, a veteran cop and his rookie partner were observing the riots on West 39th Street, when the rookie said “This place is hell itself”. To which the veteran replied: “Hell’s a mild climate. This is hell’s kitchen.”

With love,

Team Salley